It’s Time To Go Home.

I Love how the birds go tweet tweet tweet
the air is so sweet here
up at Walter Reed
I got wi-fi bedside
and my remdesivir
an iPhone Twitter and my TV screen

Cause if you got cash and some time to burn
and the best docs in the house when it’s your turn
you’ll get the dexamethasone
and maybe
regeneron’s monoclonal antibody therapy

Covid ain’t so bad
just a little bit of time spent down on my back
I think of Ivanka
let my little hands roam
just tell me what I wanna hear
that it’s time to go home

Let’s blow this joint right at rush hour
I like to look down
and the see little ant pile
of Washington DC
looking up at me
it makes me feel so good that I need to tweet!

My thoughts and prayers are rarin’ to go
to the pandemic blowback American side show
I’m getting keyed up
and ready to show
that I’m able and ready to grab hold

Covid ain’t so bad
just a little bit of time spent down on my back
there’s no disputin’
I’ve been thinking of Putin
just tell me what I wanna hear
that it’s time to go home

D C 

but it’s funny
how my doctors weren’t so keen
on injecting me
with bleach and hydroxychloroquine

Gm climb
So I gotta get back
turn the spray tan on
Cause I made the connection
with my own medical direction

tan means UV
U V kills germs
germs are bugs 
and spiders are bugs
spiders make webs
which means that I know best
cause I read it on the
world wide

I hear Trump ain’t so bad
he wrote me a check
I saw he even signed it

And America is for sale
and Trump he’s got credit
even though
it’s OUR credit

What a little scare he had
just in time for Halloween
he’s coughing up a smoke screen

Cause you know Covid ain’t so bad
just tell that to 200,000 Americans
so it’s time to pack up
it’s time to blow town
it’s time you’re fired
it’s time to go home

© 2020 rob Hinkal

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