Coal Boulder
red hot & black
burning none too cleanly

Coal Boulder
roll on back
crushed a new Life today
and no he won’t look back

I was
standing simple
I was
standing proud
I was
hand in hand
I was
head in clouds

there were men here
shoveling me long before us
giving heat
where we now scrape our feet

this temple now stands around us
it stands for fire long gone out as do I

there is Life here frozen for us
with diamonds set in soil

slipping up now would be catastrophic
I’d fall down like a sack of meat here at your feet

silly Coal Boulder
if you were just older
but we’re heavy burnt and black

well here’s a house now abandoned
on a frozen moor
I could not ask for more

there’s a pine
yeah we found that river again
I could not ask for more

you’ve kept the time in mind
I’ve kept the road in mine
I wish you’d ask for more

there’s my coat
and there’s the door

I’m standing solid
you’re standing cold
the path is fearsome
but I’m growing bold

I’m standing simple
and I stand alone
you’ve show the way now
and I’m going home.

© January 17th, 2000 rob Hinkal

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