June 18th, 2021. Today is today.

Kristen’s spent the Incursion taking photographs of Brood X. She’s got a stunning eye (and stunning eyes) and has done more for my appreciation of the bugs than the bugs themselves!
Rolled into the Mt Cuba Center after a shot up I-95 into Baltimore. We got up here extra early so that we would have time to explore and enjoy ourselves. The show was SUPPOSED to be last Friday but got rained out and now it overlaps with a meeting I’ve got to attend. We’ll make it work. Even if we get a little lost in the process!

I’d planned for today to be a no-screen day but that didn’t get too far. I’m reading a book on my screen. I’m writing the Journal on the screen. I’m catching up with a lot of stuff on my screeeenz… Hell, we just got new screens for all our windows from our landlord – but I DO plan on being a little relaxed after a pretty stressful week.

Tomorrow I’ll have to catch up with lots of different things, tomorrow I’ll send out some booking emails, tomorrow I’ll make some posters. Yesterday was a quick run up to Delaware to play an exquisite place called Mount Cuba. Yesterday was a great gig. Yesterday was beautiful. Yesterday was then. Tomorrow is when. Today is now.

Today though, today’s just chill. I’m going to have lunch with my mom. I’m going to watch some bad movies. I’m going to write a little bit to YOU dear reader. Probably not too much. Probably not too much than this, actually – but today’s just chill!

Below – photos from Mt. Cuba Center where we played the Main Lawn for the Ladybug Garden Crawl. T’was a relaxed affair created by a partnership with the Ladybug Festival (a festival of all female-fronted acts) and Mt. Cuba and we had great sound (from a female sound engineer of course!) and a great day in general.

And now Kristen’s take…. she’s wearing a local Baltimore artist’s cicada shirt. Also : the strangeness of running across patented Invincibelle flowers. Noticing truly that we’ve Lived long enough to see our world change as we’re struck by seeing so many bees – in our neighbourhood they truly have become a rarity. Also also – a snake!

I liked looking to my right and noting the sunset, and thinking “I should grab my camera” but then noticing Kristen was already lining up the shot. She’s got me.

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