July 22nd, 2021. Burn it. Burn it with fire.

So horrified by the ongoing fight AGAINST vaccines. I know, I know, I’m a horrible Fascist rob – but if I was in charge…

Look… if there was a handgun sitting in a house and someone assured you it was unloaded – or maybe they assured you that they’d HEARD it was unloaded, and then you pointed it to your head and pulled the trigger – or pointed it at someone next to you and pulled the trigger – and it went off – yes… you’d be guilty of being stupid, credulous, etc – but the person who told you that the gun was unloaded absolutely bears some blame there, and probably would be charged with SOME crime or another, right?

Being credulous should never be a crime. Trusting someone else should never be criminalized. Lying to the credulous and taking advantage of trust should be a prosecutable offense.

If someone told you COVID was a hoax. If you heard somewhere that it won’t hurt you, that vaccines don’t work, or that they cause infertility … they should be charged with being accessory to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, because every death after the vaccines became widely available, of someone who chose not to get a vaccine because they’d been TOLD A LIE, is a murder and should be treated as such.

Fucking get rid of section 230. Let people sue the Living shit out of one another when they lie. Let people sue the Living shit out of Facebook because they let that lie reach thousands upon thousands of people. Too big to fail? That’s bullshit. These things are too big to be allowed and if you can reach more people because of a platform, you need to be accountable to who you reach, and the platform needs to be accountable for letting you reach them.

Thanks for listening to this robrant.

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