July 25th, 2021. And then it all went BOOM.

So – positive first : All the stuff I was saying about my community, giving back, and it then synergistically giving back to ME again – is probably how Mark H Rooney felt tonight about taiko. It was cool to watch that outpouring of Love and … well … thankfulness allll from the outside.

Now – if only I’d captured it better!

The webcast was a fiasco and I have learned the following :

  1. you can’t effectively mix taiko from inside a room with taiko. Cause holy shit, taiko are loud. I’ve gotten AWESOME recordings of taiko before. But OUTSIDE.
  2. Taiko should just never be inside. They are the epitome of outdoor voice.
  3. Trying to turn one’s headphones up loud enough to hear the taiko over the taiko is fruitless.
  4. Taiko are loud enough that they’ll shake your cameras. Get shock mounts or… as above… do it outside because though they are “earth-shakingly loud”, they shake the earth less than they shake the floor.
  5. Taiko are lound enough that they’ll shake your mics. I think I should’ve used some different mics…
  6. All of the above would’ve been something I’d have been on top of if we’d done a site check, which we didn’t have the opportunity to do.
  7. Always do a site check even though…
  8. There was no way to know that rain apparently was going to knock the venue’s internet offline.
  9. Even a laptop that you’ve used for literally over a hundred webcasts over the past year and a half can go and shit the bed. Longest 6 minutes of my Life.
  10. Wireless shouldn’t be used with wireless shouldn’t be used with cheap wireless shouldn’t be used if there are electrical storms ANYWHERE in the area.

The PERFORMANCE was wonderful. The capture was great. The webcast… uhm… reached more people than could’ve fit in the room so there’s THAT to be said!

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