July 30th, 2021. Joel Pomerantz Memorial.

Gathering at Seekers Church in Washington DC to remember Joel Pomerantz.
Jay Keating, of SAW (Songwriters Association of Washington) ring leader for the evening.

Tonight was really beautiful. I don’t know what Joel would’ve thought of it – there were in evidence PLENTY of people here who knew him far better than I – I think there’d have been a fair amount of “soooooo where was all this while I was HERE?!?!”. Still, I was more of a Joel WRANGLER than a good Joel friend, but I don’t know that such a statement comes with any accompanying regret or guilt. He was a part of the community that made it all GO, and a unique part of it to boot and as I talk to the other movers, shakers and organizers of the local “folkish” and folk-adjacent scene – a member of which I’m proud to be counted – it looks like good things will come of his time here on Earth long after it’s ended.

Like many artists I think that though his art was uniquely his own, it perhaps shone better through others. His vision was unique, but it was often better executed through others. His opinion was unique, but it was often better used by others.

I’ll very much miss knowing he’s out there.

The Livecast did NOT cast Live, but here’s the Live cast in post… (part I)
Joel Pomerantz’ song “Bowling” (as popularized by Jimmy Fallon and charted by Ron Goad)

I feel like when I spoke I was a little discombobulated. I pride myself on not really practicing or pre-planning my banter, but I probably should’ve had something a little clearer in mind for tonight. There were a number of extenuating circumstances, beyond the death of a friend, Dave Eisner has come down with COVID and though he’s persevering (mostly complaining of exhaustion) his wife’s suffering a good deal more. He was slated to speak and so I got some tales out of him to retell, and I probably didn’t nail them. In addition Ron Goad, who was part of a farewell Zoom meeting with Joel and his family, played our version of “Use Me” at the very, very end – and though it seems a strange choice (he just wanted one last shake-me-up kind of tune before they turned off Joel’s Life support) that left me – well – shook.

Part 2
Jay Keating saying nice things about Joel. Probably.

It was the most people I’ve been around in a long time, and even masked and mostly-cautious, I hope it wasn’t a foolish idea. I think the math is overwhelmingly on our side, but COVID and its spread continues to terrify and demoralize.

SO – the thoughts that I started and perhaps didn’t complete :

Our local “folk” scene is somewhat the “freaks and geeks” music scene of the area. House of Musical Traditions, The Electric Maid, ilyAIMY, rob’s Open Mics – we’ve got a lot of the “what you kick out we celebrate” mentality, for better or for worse. I’d argue it’s the for the better. I feel like I can be more “me” here than anywhere else. I don’t think that’s just me!

I wanted to mention that Joel wasn’t a schemer. He just tried hard. And when he got shot down he tried harder. He didn’t duck, weave, make deals or try to fool anyone. This is a rarity in our species, and admirable.

Not everybody saw it, but his crazy was a good thing. I was at a loss for what to perform tonight. Kristen picked the perfect tune. She’s a MUCH clearer thinker than I.

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