February 26th, 2006.

Sleepy rob. We’re in Wilmington, NC and Deanne’s new house is just beautiful. The dogs are welcoming and curious about the scents of Spooky, Artemis and Zorro. So much sunshine, but 40 degrees cooler than it was down in Savannah. Really good gig last night, and we’ve been shopping, running errands – but now I just want to relax on the couch and watch tv. It’s nice not to be driving.

Savannah was just such a good experience, and I’m eager to repeat it. Unfortunately, I’m looking at our calendar, and it seems like the earliest we can do it is in August. I’m a little frustrated by that. Not only is August just a brutal time in the year to be going that far south, but we’ve been doing this for two and a half years or so, and we still don’t have the kind of organization that I’d like to have. I’d like to be able to sit down and chart something out that makes sense, and put on the map all the points that I really, really just WANT to go to.

Looking at photographs of the past. Chris dug these out of an old box. Me looking crazy thin and comparing tongue colours with Rick, meeting a clown on the streets of Baltimore..
Joyous Spooky, the Thing What Speaks, Chewbacca… somethin… I forget her full name.

Even the Journal reflects that – where I’d like this, perhaps, to be more organized – a real showcase of writing, I’m perhaps lazy in allowing it to be a rambling thing. Certainly more personal, but compared to the writings and articles of Heather’s heroes (like Ernie Pyle), the Journal is comparatively incoherent. I’d like to one day see this put together into a book – I’d like this to be read by a LOT more people – Chris pointed out that there really isn’t anything else like this on the internet, and I would like to take advantage of that somehow. People Love to read about other people’s Lives – and maybe mine’s just not seedy enough… I need volunteers to make my Life a little more sordid.

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