September 22nd, 2021. Killing time.

We are experts at getting places early and finding inexpensive ways to be allowed to exist until it is our time to shine. Wednesday it was all about getting around the Baltimore Beltway, down I-95 and around the DC Beltway and over to Vienna, VA before (or after rush hour) and so I discovered the absolutely stunningly eclectic Meadowlark Botanical Gardens.

At first I believe there was cynicism on behalf of my dear wife as she felt that rain in the forecast precluded wandering botanical gardens, but fortunately we were spending the day with my old friend Amy and if there’s one thing Amy and I know how to do – it’s how to romp good and proper in the rain.

$6 per person, we brought a picnic lunch, we came, we saw, we found time and killed it and explored only 1/3 of these stunning grounds AND discovered where they’d been keeping autumn all this time.

Can’t wait to go back.

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