October 5th, 2021. Chris Titchner at the SPRING.

Chris Titchner from North Carolina, featured artist at the SPRING.
Know1Else kicking off the list at the first INDOOR open mic at the SPRING.

Tonight was our first time indoors and it works! It never QUITE rained but we were going to have to try this eventually – as eventually it’ll just get too damned cold – but I AM certainly wishing we could’ve been outdoors tonight. Chris is an exquisite lyricist and the interior of the SPRING is really Live. Even backing out the 2k substantially it took some fancy audio footwork to keep him clear in the echo-fertile interior.

Still, optimism SPRINGS (haha) eternal and as COVID numbers continue to decline in Montgomery County I’m hoping we’ll be able to get enough bodies in that room to make it warm and vibrant, rather than cold and splashy.

Juels Bland at the SPRING (he’ll be featured in November)
Kate Buckholdt.

Those are totally professional audio terms. Hush.

The SPRING open mic happens every Tuesday night. Advance registration required at sandyspringmuseum.org.

Tonight we were honoured to present :

  1. Your host rob
  2. Know1Else
  3. Juels Bland
  4. Stephen Hunt
  5. Kate Buckholdt
  6. Ethan Mendick
  8. Ed Light
  9. Felix Nieto
  10. Luke Roberts
  11. Silence Echoez

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