October 31st, 2021. Happy Heatherween.

The webcast isn’t perfect. I probably had us mixed better in the room and because of camera positioning we don’t spend NEARLY enough time gazing upon Rowan’s beautiful face, but … you’ll get the idea!
Heather’s mom captured us in action…

Happy Birthday Heather Aubrey Lloyd! Almost. For all that having to figure out a LOT more operational details than we’ve ever had to work through before, we had a magnificent time at the New Deal Cafe last night.

Our erstwhile Greenbelt, MD co-op has gone through a lot of changes since last we were there, not least of which being that for some reason they’ve done away with any sort of reservation system, which… since we’re still in the throes of a global pandemic causing limited seating to still very much be a thing at a venue that we generally pack to standing-room-only-plus-overflow capacity… that just wasn’t going to work.

And SO, at the suggestion of (some) members of said co-op, we tried a ticketing model that worked QUITE WELL but led to much back and forth, confusion, cross-talk and chaos, but no actual friction, which, by the end of the day seems to be about the most I can ask for.

AND SO (x2) a wonderful evening of acoustic grunge focused on the musical preferences of Heather Aubrey Lloyd came to pass, and we listened, and it was good! And yes, we recorded it. And no, I don’t know if we’ll release it as an album. But yes… I think that’d be pretty rad.

It was a great night.

And as if to spoil us, much was captured by Tracy Buchanan. And as if to spoil ME. She did it dressed as a Care Bear. Don’t ask.

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