Double rainbow over our home in Catonsville, MD.
We’ve had to miss Sheep and Wool Festival the past couple of years because of stupid timing, but we made sure to make time this time around – and lo and behold – both sheeps and wool! (May 2nd, 2015)

It’s Sunday morning and it’s been a long week. As much as I hate to say it, no-one was probably surprised by Freddie Gray’s death – and probably no-one was terribly shocked by the protests and riots. I was disappointed by the curfew and think it was about the least productive thing we could’ve done, and wasn’t very surprised by the results.

I think EVERYONE was caught off guard by the arrest of all six officers this weekend, and though I applaud Marilyn Mosby’s move (and the stunning aplomb with which she did it) I’d Love to have been a fly on the wall for THOSE conversations to see what pros and cons were weighed and cynically assume they had more to do with concern over avoiding federal oversight of the Baltimore Police Department and less with securing justice for the Freddie Grays of the world.

And so it’s Sunday morning. We’re still under the “protective” umbrella of a 10pm – 5am curfew which goes mostly unadvertised. Googling “Baltimore Curfew” doesn’t turn up REAL information, just ongoing news reports that “yes, it’s still in effect and no, we don’t know it will be lifted”. I guess initially they stated it was going to last a week (through this coming Tuesday) with the option to be extended, but it sure feels like it’s done its job and keeping it in place is just continuing to choke local businesses…

Sigh. In any case, Heather lost a show over the weekend, I had to cancel Mosno at Teavolve, and Teavolve’s open mic tomorrow night is gone too. But I have to be careful about saying things like “I want to go back to normal” – because the norm is what got us to where we are today.

I got nothin’. It’s bright and sunshiney, there are jokes about the Baltimore Riots on NPR, I-495 is 17 miles and 17 minutes away (seriously, why the fuck don’t the traffic signs say things like “Baltimore Curfew in effect, 10pm – 5am”!) and people are continuing to struggle through their everyday Lives while forgetting swiftly about the big picture. Me absolutely included.

Rereading Terry Pratchett’s “Men At Arms” right now. Alarmingly appropriate.

Aaand of course as I was writing that last entry they lifted the curfew. I’m glad of it. It’d couple of people we know. I wish our place in Catonsville was quite as walkable. Of been a hot day in Takoma Park as I’ve watched people growl online about this and that and the other. Driving back out of this little enclave on the edge of DC we pass at least acourse in the next couple of weeks I’m sure I’ll not want to set foot outdoors.

Sorry Stark, Summer is Coming.

upComing & inComing

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