November 18th, 2021. Flush ot.

Flus hot?

Flu shot.

Got my flu shot today. Generally trying to wrap my head around COVID, Life, the Universe, Anything, the fact that probably we’ll be Living with this disease in, on and around our Lives for… well… the rest of our Lives perhaps… and I’m losing my sympathy for that portion of our species so uneducated or obtuse that they continue to insist on an anti-vaccination stance. I’ve begun to liken it to drunk driving. You’ve made the decision and I no longer have the sympathy to think “well, I hope that you’ll be okay…”

Because I don’t.

I just hope you don’t take anyone with you.

Maybe I shouldn’t put those sorts of thoughts in writing, but seeing people complaining about vaccination requirements, complaining about mask requirements, seemingly deliberately misunderstanding statistics as if math could conform to politics, feeling like I can never tour again, not because I don’t feel as if I’ll be fine, but because it’s shown such a light on the callous indifference so many people have to one another. The trust and faith I had in my species is simply… gone.

I don’t really fear for myself over COVID – though I’m no longer in my fearless, comfortable-with-death place of several years ago – I believe that I’m healthy enough, vaccinated enough (especially once I get a booster in a couple of weeks), that Living in fear of catching COVID is about as sensible as being too afraid to drive to a gig or being afraid to pick up my cat because his claws can be dangerous… legit dangers, but not ones that can be sensibly mitigated without reducing my enjoyment of my Life.

And so we’ll make intelligent-as-we’re-able decisions. I don’t know that I feel the need to solely book gigs that require vaccination cards over the winter from a SAFETY viewpoint – at this point – as with driving drunk, people have made their decisions and I think WE’LL be okay – but I almost feel like I should solely encourage the venues that are demanding such proofs…

Not that any venue’s going to think twice about moving right along if we insist on ANYTHING that they’re not interested in doing. No-one’s losing any sleep over not getting to book ilyAIMY, and unfortunately, though blue states are down with the vax card requirements, I think if we were to stick to our guns on the subject it would eliminate cross-country and southern touring for a long, long time.

I don’t fear for my species. Simply disgusted by it.

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