July 9th, 2007.

Ha – posted this last entry on another blog o’mine – one frequently lurked upon by old, old friends – and Alison, my crush from kindergarten wrote:

Long ago, I went to see a band play. There was an opening performer not noted on the ticket or any advertising. A guy came out on stage with his guitar and sang songs I never heard before. He was very good; my friend and I were chatting, but soon got into the music as did about 20% of the place. The rest of the place was chatting, laughing, screaming, leaving to order drinks and use the restroom until the REAL performance started. The musician kept at it, tried a few covers which got a few drunkards excited and singing along at refrains, but chatting through the rest of the song. He said between songs, “glad I like to play, no matter if someone is listening” and then totally rocked out. I kept asking people who this guy was – we had terrible seats and I didn’t have my glasses. it was a guy with brown hair, a big head and an amazing guitar talent. 

Dude, it really was John Mayer. 

Far bigger venue, same darn experience. So that’s WJMWD!


It’s good to know “we’ve all been there” as a musical community. Now if I can just get someone who’s witnessed James Hetfield forgetting the lyrics to “One” or Tom Morello sneezing during a guitar solo, I’ll know I’m just like them.

Hell, I saw Amy Ray from the Indigo Girls get a bug in the eye during a big outdoor show and Zack de la Rocha get tangled in his mic cord and fall over…

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