I do wonder if Trump is simply the symbol of the death of the American Dream. No longer is there even the faux-conservative claim of getting the government out of the way so the average citizen can get on with their work – there is a smirking messiah in place, shrugging and saying “I’ll take care of everything, I’ll solve all your problems, trust me, I’ll lift that burden from you”. Only He can fix it, only He can save us. I’ve heard this somewhere before, but I could’ve sworn it was coupled with “thou shalt have no other gods before me”.

a dragonfly at Teavolve that I totally thought was dead until it attacked my face. Thank you to Paul DeKraii for finding this HIIIIlarious.

It’s all about the “please, nanny state, please, take care of me… find me a king, find me a messiah – find me someone to take care of me!!!”

It would be nice if there were simple answers – but for that we’d have to have simple problems. And we just don’t. People are in Love with the idea that there are these vast conspiracies – because it’d mean at least SOMEONE was in control. It’s like a belief in God, it’s like faith – even if it’s faith in the devil. It makes our world seem less chaotic, random, meaningless. It’s the same people who believe you can’t have morals without some phantasmal sky beard hanging over you in the heavens. And the rest of them just want to see another Biblical flood. Let it all drown, then build again from scratch. People who compare America to a third-world nation or a warzone, who can’t grasp the half MILLION people killed in Syria…

Enough out of me. I’m disgusted and tired. I guess it’s plain who I’m voting for. I hope you’re registered and have made plans to get out and do your job on Tuesday, November 8th.

Waking up at 5.30am is not my chosen solution to many problems, but October 1st’s corporate gig had me doing just that!

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