September 11th, 2007.

Tonight was a good night. All sorts of good things – hanging out in Portsmouth before the show, the night finally presented some true New English upon us and after grey skies, brisk winds and a few autumn leaves, New Hampshire poured upon us with vengeance. I was caught jumping in puddles and enjoying fish burritos out in the cold. 
We played the Hush, Hush Sweet Harlot series at the Red Door in Portsmouth, NH tonight and met a couple of cool people and actually had a fair number of people come out just for us – new fans from the show at the Grog, older fans from the Blue Mermaid (including the artist who was inspired to draw a vomiting angel after hearing “Speaking Louder Now”)… even Dan found himself with a free night on his hands and came out to support. Though the sound ON stage was awful, the audience got a quality earful and I guess that’s what counts. Good couches, good margaritas (I had one with enough ginger in it to choke a horse, though ironically not enough to choke a rob – I HAD been practicing on bugs, you’ll remember) – a good night overall.

We ended up being the opening act for the night, followed by an indie-pop act from New York by the name of Tim Williams and for Boy., who’s CD release party ’twas. The Tim band was really, really tight and made excellent use of a melodica, but Boy. was just a LOT of fun, foregoing the use of the sound system and just standing in a crowd of her people, jumping up and down and belting tunes (including a cute cover of Thunder Road by the BOSS) to the delight of her friends and fans.

Early night, but a long drive ahead of us. I play Starcraft and after getting handily annihilated by combined Zerg and Terran forces, turn to Journal writing. Met someone else who’d heard of Bolt Thrower tonight, and yes – solely because we both used to play Warhammer 40,000. We compared armies and geek cred. I’m not proud.

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