December 21st, 2021 at the SPRING w PETRICHORD.

Rowan Corbett in the house tonight! His assistance both on and behind the stage soooo welcome!

Tis the last in-person open mic of the season and I’m glad of it. Not because I haven’t enjoyed them, but because omicron is kicking up and though I’d LOVE to think “psh, between masks, vaccines, the probability that most’ve us have already HAD it and Life, the Universe and EVERYTHING surely any COVID dangers at the Spring open mic are watered down ENOUGH…” – as much as I’d LIKE to think that I’ve got news of yet ANOTHER person from my overall open mic community that’s died over the pandemic, and though there was no Love lost there, and “community” is stretching the word for someone who I eventually had to OUST from the community, the spectre of losing someone in our small-Timore music scene is still there.

New to me artist Marilyn Hucek

The night was great – another “sold out” evening, this time sans the space caused by people who had registered not actually showing up, and though some of our regulars were home sick (another kind of “whew, last one for the year” feeling) I still had to turn away 4 or 5 people who’d wanted to come out.

Old faces that I’d not seen in a long time seem to be par for the course this week (last night at the VOM we had Ray Forton amd Denee Bar come out – two people I’ve not seen since the pandemic began minus a chance encounter outside an ice cream shop in the case of the former and emojis in the case of the latter) and it was really good to have Sam Moten pop in PLUS I had Rowan in the house helping me push buttons and generally keep the kid on the laos.


Lid on the chaos.

The feature, formerly Tea and Honey, now PETRICHORD was great and though I regret not having had a room mic set up (okay, I SWEAR I’ll have on the 11th) it was a good time had… plus I found out that when / if we come back in January, we definitely have funding through to the end of February.



Joey Jenkins gets some percussion for a change. W Rowan Corbett.

Glad to have a break. Everyone go home and get some rest.

1) rob
2) Marilyn Hucek
3) Joey Jenkins
4) Kimberly Shires
5) Justin Heath & Nick Cameron & Mari Carlson
6) Petrichord
7) Ethan Mendick
8) Sam Moten
9) Kate Buckholdt
10) Juels Bland

Kimberly Shires

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