January 11th, 2022. the SPRING avec Jonny Grave.

It continues to be cold. Presumably so cold that snow elves have begun creating circles of light in the local flora. No good can come of this.

Vell, I shall not lie unto thee. I was hiiiiighly unsure as to whether tonight was a good idea. Omicron is surging and just about everyone and their mother seems to have contracted COVID since Christmas and I do NOT want to smear that around… I’m trying to split the balance betwixt responsible and doing what I WANT and the Sandy Spring Museum seems to make it possible, but there’s still kinda a whole lotta “-ish” to running an open mic during a pandemic.

Still, vaccines required, the museum actually STICKS to it, masks up, we’ve got space… Kristen gave me permission and so… once more into the breach!

Unfortunately I somehow managed to get distracted and not take a picture of the first artist of the night (Ricky Lopez was awesome) but here’s Jeff Herbert taking the stage and surprising the HELL out of me with a cover of one of my favourite bands : Big Head Todd and the Monsters!

My featured artist tonight was a guy I haven’t seen in over a decade, but Jonny Grave continues to be just a stunning performer. Incredible voice, graceful guitar. He’s all the grit and gravel and other “g” words you could possibly hope for, plus it was just a fantastic night overall.

Unfortunately, static electricity in the venue continues to be a problem (whether this is just dry air or a genuine electrical grounding issue I really have no idea) and I got zapped so badly that I knocked the sound off the webfeed’s last 15 or 20 minutes. It can NOT be good for the gear….

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