May 11th, 2022. Patent that Patton.

Jon Patton putting the hat on the mammoth. It’s actually quite a long story as to why I have not one, but TWO of these slightly-larger-than-my-cat mammoths, but a shorter story as to why I used to have 12 of them. It’s simple actually. When you see these marked down for sale at Target and you have a mental image of what it’d be like to work retail and to suddenly see a herd of these on your little conveyor… well, I knew it’d brighten SOMEONE’S day. Not only did it make everyone working on the registers smile, but it made everyone who saw my cart smile, and the kid in the parking lot who saw all the snouts sticking out of my bags smiled too. Then I gave them away at shows. Except for two. And they just came home to me because my mom cleaned out a box. There. I guess it wasn’t that long of a story after all.

Jon Patton works harder than I do. So it’s a pleasure to have in the house, lurking in the Lair, putting hats on the mammoth.

Hrm. Should that be code for something?

“Come on over and let’s play ‘put the hat on the mammoth’!”

No… it should NOT be.

In any case, had a good time tonight but there’s nothing like social interaction to remind me that I’m no longer very good at social interaction – or mayhaps I was lying to myself in the first place and I was NEVER any good at being human.

I’m really more cut out to be a… a… rabbit. Or a cat. Or something. Looking down at my cat who is blissfully sleeping through an otherwise restless Wednesday, jealous of his ignorance of the greater world around him, well – jealous of perhaps, but definitely not cut-out-to-be. I’m WAY too high-stress to be a cat.

Playing the Lair with Jon and being reminded that he just KNOWS SO MUCH as he and Kristen talk about diminishing their thirds and permafrost, I can happily follow along with the conversation, but can’t really meaningfully add too much unless we swing back to Star Wars and video bit rates. CERTAINLY I’m NERDY, but am I nerdy ENOUGH?!

The Lair is ready and waiting.

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