September 12th, 2023. The SPARK w Greg Klyma.

Things HAD been going okay – and then Prince decided that my chair was his and now EVERY morning we do battle…

We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Ave. in Takoma Park, MD. for more information.

Tonight w featured artist Greg Klyma!

Greg Klyma’s probably one of our longest-running, oldest friends in the Scene. Whatever our “scene” is. East Coast folk singer/songwriter road warriors. We met in Boston as he slung his mandolin alongside artists at the Burren with Tom Bianchi and Danielle Miraglia, Pesky J. Nixon and the like, and we’ve crossed paths all across the country as we’ve developed our strange and wonderful fanbases along the I-95 and I-70 corridors… he’s perfected a religion of clever, biting hooks, smart, politically-aware Blue state anthems and a side-business of Tom Petty tribute bands that works well in big towns and small, as well as folk festivals all across the country. He continues to be one of the hardest-working singer/songwriters I know and it was an honour to have him on our little Spark stage. He crashed with us the next several nights up in Baltimore, accompanying us on our Wednesday night Live from the Lair – where we benefited from his hard-earned Twitch audience as well.

Set up from Wednesday September 13th – Live from the Lair with Greg Klyma! And ALLLLL of Greg Klyma’s gear!

Tis true. Klyma Change is Real.

  1. rob
  2. Manu
  3. David Potts-Dupre
  4. Bryan Lee
  5. Rebecca Presti
  6. Greg Klyma
  7. Jesse
  8. Dan M
  9. Paul
  10. Zendurr
  11. Joey Jenkins
  12. Chris Colvin
  13. Juels Bland
Not sure why I have a couple of tables to break down and store, as well as two wire rack gallery walls and a drawing table to put away BEFORE I can lay out 30 or so chairs BEFORE I can start on the cameras and the sound… BEFORE realizing that whatever meeting they’ve had in here ALSO required the removal of both of our lamps and alllll the cables from the cable ramps that Dave and I had taken an hour to install last week….

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