December 4th, 2018.

It’s been something of a frustrating day. 

Yesterday was mostly Lovely. A little strange. Mostly Lovely. The open mic in particular was mostly Lovely. The strange bit came right at the beginning with a little bit more strange placed right at the end – though the former strange was unsettling and the latter strange was surreal. 

But today’s been just about full-out frustrating.

Except the lasagna. I think the lasagna turned out okay.

So yesterday : Teavolve had a nice full list and everything was set up. I looked over at the list to see a person holding it as if in contemplation of their slot. When I looked up a second time they were headed out the door and… my list was gone? I kind of did a double take, looked around for a sec to confirm no-one had taken it to their table – but no, a big guy in a sweatshirt had walked in, picked up the open mic list and my Sharpie and walked out with them. 

What the fuck? 

I had to quickly write up another one, reconstruct who was there, et cetera – all the while being frankly REALLY weirded out by this absolutely pointlessly random crime. 

You know how it is, you want to change your account but they’ve got incontinence? Sigh. Monday morning though we were actually finally successful in killing our television account and “downgrading” to just internet. Huzzah! Cut our bill by 2/3.

Well – actually not so random, is it? I mean – someone walked in and stole utterly useless things.

The open mic was great. Great music. Great feature. Great audience.  Great friends back in town from out-of-town. It helped to bury the unease caused by the weird beginning, but it never quite left.

Loading out was hampered slightly by a last-minute party that came in and sat in the back, and the fact that I’m newly paranoid. Tonight’s the night that someone walked in with empty hands and walked out with my stuff. During load out all my stuff is right by the door – much nicer stuff than just a sheet of paper and a Sharpie, but Chuck was still hanging out and … 

And I go get my car and return and a FOX crosses the crosswalk and passes the entrance to Teavolve before running on down the street. A beautiful, grinning, red fox!

The drive home is buoyed by the surreal image of this gorgeous animal prancing down the city streets and then interrupted by ANOTHER fox as I enter Catonsville!

Fox night.

If only foxes continued into the day. Well… maybe not since I haven’t left the house and they’d probably wolf down (fox down?) my lasagna if given half a chance – but the day’s been just tech glitches that have finally mounted into a computer that won’t start.

I’m feeling like an idiot. I totally have a recovery drive. Totally don’t know where it is. My laptop is making another recovery drive but I have no idea if it’ll cooperate with another computer, especially one that’s a dramatically different form factor.

In the meantime my desktop is completely non-functional, not getting past the initial CPU splash. I can’t load into Safemode, it won’t acknowledge commands to enter the BIOS. I’m going to try this and if THIS doesn’t work, I guess I’ll spend Thursday morning dismantling my PC and seeing if I can’t find a hardware fault.

High on my list of things I do NOT want to do.

A fox, even one that ate my lasagna, would be waaay better than that!

Update : it’s making a weird noise and the USB Recovery drive isn’t helping. I guess I’m gonna not be havin’ a PC for at least the next couple of days.

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