July 4th, 2024. Road Trip to Boda Glasbruk.

Saying goodbye to our Idre neighborhood friends
Started the drive dropping off our trash & recycling at the local grocery store. Sweden (like much of Europe) gets pretty specific about separating different kinds of waste – but unlike the US I think they actually DO appropriate recycling? Our AirB&B also had complex rules about things you can’t leave in their bins, so there was some jiggering to be done.

We made the long trek from Idre to where Ana & Alex live in southern Sweden – took about 11 hours with several stops. Lovely scenery all the way, lots of farmland, lakes and open skies.

My talent for finding good places to eat in unfamiliar places apparently works over here too – I found us a great lunch spot in Filipstad with a chicken schnitzel special. We also stopped at a big LEGO store, and saw a giant potato!

We got dinner at A&A’s favorite restaurant near home, a place that has a buffet of pizza, tacos (such as they are 🤣) and salad. We sampled the [in]famous Swedish pizza – click through to find out what the toppings are!

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NO open mic in Catonsville this week! See you at Morsbergers on the 16th!