July 10th, 2024. Happy Birthday in Planes.

Day 21: Happy Birthday in Planes

Goodbye Denmark
One last ham & cheese sandwich! This one was purchased from a vending machine and therefore not subject to the European Ham Conundrum

Home again home again, jiggity jig. On my birthday! We managed to navigate correctly on our own by train to the Copenhagen airport, where security was quick and easy as promised.

Hello Iceland!

We arrived in Iceland a bit early, which gave us some breathing room to deplane and find where we were going – much less effort this time. All was going smoothly until the queue to board got seriously in the way of the people arriving at the gate next to us. And then we had to stand on the jetway for about half an hour, I think because two handicapped people needing assistance had to board, which didn’t happen before everyone else. I don’t fault them, but it looked difficult for some other people to stand for that long. Seems to be a toss up how smoothly boarding goes, and airport operations in general can get jammed up easily.

I’ve had my fill of flying for awhile – happy to be home, and grateful for this trip. Endless thanks to George, Delina, Ana & Alex who hosted us and led us on these adventures – we couldn’t have done it all without you!

There be trolls here!
— at Keflavik Airport – Iceland.
There were really only 3 things I missed from home: the cat, Cottonnelle toilet paper, and unlimited free ice water.

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