August 13th, 2024. The SPARK w Safety Bear.

Peggy Brennan kicking off the night!
Patrick Smith

We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park, MD. for more information. For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please click here!

Tonight we had featured artist Safety Bear – and that was a joy – because he’s so very different from what we normally have in the house. As a bear, he is large, warm and fuzzy, but as a performer, he’s a house / electronica artist who sets up a lot of his looping and effects Live on a home-made drum machine / ukulele and is just a kind feeling entity. I really enjoyed having him in the house, and though it felt a little awkward to have him project his throbbing dance grooves into a room that was like… staring… enjoying… but staring immovably…. he swore that it wasn’t the MOST awkward room he’s played! It didn’t HELP that it was also one of our LIGHTEST nights for a LONG time. I think we’re in the late-summer last-of-the-vacation doldrums. It was kind of welcome because we all got to go home a little earlier (ha, but I forgot my phone and had to turn around and go back… ) but I was sad that it happened on such a fantastic, unique artist’s night.


I also had to face a couple of my own dumb demons as formats were called into question, shifted subtly – but I’ve got to get over that. I pretend like I’m good at rolling with changes, but in truth they annoy me inordinately.

Sigh – add it to the list of things that I’ll work on.

Ha – along with, apparently, teenagers being absolutely horrified by the idea that I would write out the word “sigh”. However, if I spent mental energy on worrying about what teenagers thought was “cool” it’d send me into the negative faster than you can use “demure” in a sentence.

Tonight we had :

  1. rob
  2. Peggy Brennan
  3. Ian Howell
  4. Patrick Smith
  5. Phil
  6. Raul
  7. Clifton
  8. Safety Bear
  9. Frank
  10. &Maddie
  11. Spencer J
  12. Bobby
  13. Broommaker
  14. Juels Bland
New to me artist Raul

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