October 20th, 2008.

A beautiful day in Louisville, KY. There’s been a lot of chaos over the past couple of days – Heather touring with Dar Williams, getting our webcasts set up, having to replace my computer, having shows cancelled – all sorts of insanity.

First off, let me see if I can update you at all on what’s been going on in the world of ilyAIMY. I guess the biggest thing is the Dar Williams news. For those of you who DON’T know, Dar WIlliams is one of the bigger folk artists out there right now – sort of this generation’s Joan Baez, perhaps? I think that’s how she’s touted.

In any case, through a friend of a friend she’d heard of us (!) and when her percussionist contracted Lyme Disease she contacted us about perhaps borrowing Heather for a couple of weeks. That was last Wednesday. Thursday saw Heather racing up to New York City to do an audition – Friday morning we got the call formally asking Heather to accompany Dar Williams on the tour – and a week ago (Monday) she shipped out to Colorado. Since then she’s been playing a moderately intense tour schedule, doing the REAL thing with like “sound checks” and “merch chicks” and a “tour bus”. She’s going to be very spoiled when she gets back! In any case, from what I can glean, Heather’s fitting in well and Dar has told her she’s got a voice “like an angel”. She’s even been introducing her as “Heather Lloyd from the band ilyAIMY”, allowing her to pass out ilyAIMY merch – it really could be an amazing thing for us. Perhaps we’ll finally Know Someone!

Sigh. I’m a dreamer – a hopeful, hopeful dreamer. For those crazy people out there who are fearful that this spells doom for ilyAIMY, hush your pieholes puppies, Heather misses us! She might just not miss the Saturn.

At the moment Rowan and i are sitting at Sunergos Coffee in Louisville, KY. Last night we played the Hideaway Saloon, filled to the brim with Lovely humans dancing and swirling. I was finally introduced to a beer I like (which is a lie – i think it was a cider) and playing sweatily on the dimly lit stage, selling CDs, feeling Loved – and then going “home” to the familiar couched of Weber around the corner – it’s almost more like coming home than coming “home” is, really. That sentence probably displays a certain amount of fatigue on my part, doesn’t it?

In any case, the Webernaughts were sleepy themselves and we saw very little of them last night or this morning (Emily seemed something of a myth) but we got a smidgeon of social time before hitting the road again.

In any case, I’ve really got to work some more on my computer. My laptop’s hinges died in Philly so I had to buy a new machine, with all the angsts that go with transferring one’s Life from one grey box to another. Plus I’ll miss my stickers… sigh.

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