Well, you know me. I like having a plan. I hate changing the plan. For a free-wheelin’ artsy Aquarius I’m awfully anal. We woke up at 6am to get to the television station on-time and in-costume, prep, sound check and then sit in on the station meeting where we’re informed “and you’re good for two 2 and a half minute songs?”
The amount of shock and growl and frustration that was radiating off of me was apparently pretty fierce. Me and the head of the program butted heads for a sec with me getting ready to say we’d just leave, but Rowan said “we can do it” and we agreed to try it. The end-product are two shredded songlets, a 2.5 minute version of Slight Departure and a minute 50 version of LooseN. The Blues Brothers never lose their cool, but ilyAIMY was coming dangerously close (or at least I was, Rowan gets points for being the voice of reason… or if not “reason” then “reasoning”)
Well, we’ll tape it and see how it flies.