March 8th, 2019.

I’m the one who waits at home. Waiting.

By choice – I mean, I HATE contests. I hate the idea, I hate the stress. I hate losing, I hate the weird cattiness about it all if you win. I’ve entered a few, I’ve come out on top in a couple of places, lost plenty. It seems to just be an inherent part of our singer/songwriter scene – and yet I wonder if any of the people that I really admire jumped through these particular hoops. Like, I can’t imagine that Ani Difranco did anything other than work her ass off and built a fan base. Jimi Hendrix sure never entered guitar hero contests. Greg Brown or Leonard Cohen didn’t sit around submitting tunes to distant faceless judges in the hopes for festival slots…

But JUST working our asses off has only gotten us so far. And the contests DO seem to open some doors here and there. I guess I should be entering them too – but tonight is Heather’s night.

She’s at the Bernard Ebb Songwriter Awards Show – and as a finalist – she’s part of the show. She and four other acts are facing off one another, getting critiqued by three judges, and one of them will walk away with $10,000 tonight.

That’s nuts. It’s awesome. But it’s nuts. I mean – that’s a LOT of money. It’s not world-shattering, but it’s actually (at our level at least) a little Life changing. It could mean breathing room. It comes with really high level studio time. It could mean a LOT of breathing room.

But, we won’t know for about another half hour or so. And I’m sitting at home. Waiting. And hating it. Heather says she nailed her performance. Said the judges declared there was nothing that she could’ve done better to make it a better performance. I imagine three otherwise stern individuals holding up scorecards with 10s all across after a dramatic music sting. So – things are promising… but Heather went first and she’s the only person who chose to appear solo. Everyone else brought a full band.

But I’ve got my fingers crossed. I hate contests, but Heather kind of kicks ass in them.

And SHE WON!!!!

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1 thought on “March 8th, 2019.

  1. Susan Schneider says:

    Huge hurrays and the award could not be more well deserved!! Heather puts SO MUCH into her songwriting!!!


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