Photos from April 22nd, 2019 at Teavolve.

A good night with featured artist Kevin Stanley gorgeous voice. And a fun night.

AND a couple of people decided to declare their Love for one another. They were firm they were NOT getting married… and that they were NOT going on a honeymoon. To Puerto Rico. Later that night.

April 23rd, 2019 – test the dress.

Well, the world has seen Heather’s wedding dress by now… but this is how *I* got to see it! Apparently it’s the dress that she wore when she and Richard went on their first date which she then found a copy of and combined into the following wedding dress…

April 24th, 2019 – trying to walk the cat.

We’re sometimes sad that Prince seems to pine for the outdoors, but he’s also kind of cringey about it all. And so we’re trying to find a happy medium that lets him explore a bit but also won’t lose us our cat… not that we don’t think he’d come back, it’s just a dangerous world out there for a cat whose been off his game for almost a year!

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