After the Westport Sessions show we retired to Steve’s boathouse where we kind of lay low for two days. Really beautiful environment. Unfortunately, all the AMAZING NIGHT SHOTS I took were scrambled with a data failure when my SLR crashed. Sigh.

I don’t really know how to keep up. With the world, with the universe, with technology – with whatever. Today we’re having a beautiful, relaxing moment on the water on the very edge of Massachusetts and I’m taking time to watch the water pass by, just letting my brain go. Got a lot of work done, billable hours to two different clients, setting up a third for when I get home. Audio editing for ilyAIMY, but all the while worrying in the back of my head about what I may be missing how someone’s going to take advantage of me when I’m not looking…

The moon in Westport, MA.

Instagram is relatively new to me, and the mix of ads and personal posts isn’t confusing per se, but they’re similar enough that I find myself relaxing into a consumer mindset, just letting images flow past me. I’m aware of “influencer” culture and sort of wish I could find a way to get paid to just seem like someone that other people want to be, Living a Life that other people would want to Live. An opportunity for that seemed to go past with an ad for “Dylo Cam” – an action cam that was looking for “brand ambassadors”… I’ve jumped through these hoops before, trying to convince a brand that because of my Lifestyle and travel habits that I could talk up their product. Things that I believe in : Saturn said “we don’t do that anymore”, CA fell apart and Peavey knows my guitar isn’t theirs, Shure sponsored me for a hot sec and through them I got a short-Lived QSC discount – the former I don’t use (and Audio-Technica never replied) but QSC should TOTALLY give me a percentage on the Touchmixes I’ve helped sell! Ebow has posted some of my recordings, but D’Addario doesn’t care that I use their strings… as a semi-pro video / audio producer it seems logical that maybe, just maybe a camera brand would pay attention to me…

So I make my case that I’m just the kind of person they’re looking for and a couple of hours later they email me, saying I’ve been selected! Yay!

But then the alarm bells go off. They’ll send me the $400 cameras (up to three of them) for just the cost of shipping ($20 per camera) and I just have to agree to talk them up (this reminds me of how Rainsong offered me a guitar but insisted it be the only one I be seen to play for some period of time – and to agree to this BEFORE I played it!) which… frankly seems kind of standard but I wanted to know a little more about the cameras. Googling them I can only find references to them on their site and on one reddit thread talking about how “I got selected to be a ‘brand ambassador’ and this deal seems too good to be true so I think it’s a scam!” – the thread has a number of people who’ve been selected, none of which have ordered the camera because it seems to be too good to be true and ONE freaked out person who ordered the camera but is desperately trying to cancel their order – and all of this has only happened in the past 72 hours or so, so no first person knowledge…

And going to THEIR website I realize that the cameras are all rendered images, not actual pictures of cameras – and that right-clicking and searching all the images on their website shows that everything on their website is clipart – and either they sell a lot of clipart with these action cams or none of these are genuine product pics. And the address given as the business address is student housing in Florida.

So, no – I won’t be ordering my free cameras. But it feels like there should be someone I can complain to. Some way to report this. There probably is. But exhausted by researching the scam I’m kind of too tired to research what to DO about the scam.


It’s a beautiful day. I don’t want to think about shitty ploys on shitty social media feeds trying to part me with what little income I have.

Oh. That reminds me. I’ve got to bug Concert Window. That’s been around for years. It CAN’T be a scam, right? So where’s my money?

Where’s ALL the money?

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1 thought on “June 24th, 2019.

  1. Susan Schneider says:

    I hope to hell the Concert Window peeps came through with your $$…I mean, I could have just sent it directly TO YOU!!!!


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NO open mic in Catonsville this week! See you at Morsbergers on the 16th!