Due to COVID concerns we want to stress that we’ve got two OUTDOOR gigs in Connecticut as well – Saturday just down the hill at the Particle Accelerator Festival, and Sunday in New Hartford, CT. The VSC show is INDOORS and though there’s plenty of space and we welcome masking – we also want you to support the venue (there’s a lot of outdoor seating, mayhaps show up early, have dinner outside and then come in for the show?) AND we want you to feel comfortable and safe. We’re going to try* to webcast the show as well. If you’re feeling poorly, sniffly, uncomfortable with being indoors, stay home and watch from a’far! Live on FB, YT, Twitch and below!
Well hello there! Victoria Station Cafe (91 Main St, Putnam, CT), we’ve known you in all your iterations, and this may be our last time together. For nearly 15 years we’ve come to visit – first as a duo, then as a trio. Before you’re sold and become something new we’re so glad we’ve got the opportunity to share you with our percussionist Rowan Corbett and our drummer Joey Jenkins. Five-piece ilyAIMY’s never been to CT before. We’re so glad we get to make it happen at one of our favourite ever places – VSC.
We adore you, your doggie pop-tarts, your hand made ice cream, your experimental soups. We Love you. We miss you. We’re so grateful the stars shall align… there is no ticket price, it’ll be a donation-based show, but seating might get tight so don’t be late!
(We know it’s not actually ‘full band’ but it’s the fullest band that’s ever been to CT and that’s a distinction hard to make on an Instagram post or whatever… Sharif will NOT be joining us, but we actually don’t have much in the way of photos that get the rest of us minus our piano player! Work with me here!)
*I say “try” simply because we haven’t tested it. This’ll probably be just fine!