ilyAIMY Live from the Lair – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! w Daniel Lee.


Wed, Mar 19th    
7:00 pm till 9:00 pm


Okay – so maybe that SHOULD read: ilyAIMY Live from the Lair w Daniel Lee!!!!!!!! (Five year anniversary). So grateful the Lords of Tours have brought Daniel Lee through town on a special night. Cause holy mackerel: We’ve been coming down to the basement and playing music (almost) every Wednesday for five years. I mean, sure, sometimes it was Heather’s porch, sometimes it was Rowan’s basement. Once it was Susan’s basement and once it was 7 Locks Brewing, but it’s always been the Lair. Thank you for sticking with us.

Almost every Wednesday at 7pm ET since March of 2020 ilyAIMY has gone Live from the Lair. Sometimes we’re chatty, sometimes we’re just here to play. Sometimes it’s the whole band, and sometimes we have guests, and sometimes it’s just rob. You never know what you’re going to get – but chime in on the chat and let us know you’re there. Cause we’re just doing what we do from a Basement in Baltimore.

Live on,, and

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