September 24th, 2016.
I absolutely THINK I slept last night. I’m pretty convinced of the fact. But I’m definitely FEELING like I could probably climb back into bed for another couple of hours.
Dangerous Music for Dangerous Times.
I absolutely THINK I slept last night. I’m pretty convinced of the fact. But I’m definitely FEELING like I could probably climb back into bed for another couple of hours.
Can’t sleep won’t sleep. Didn’t sleep. Now I don’t have time to sleep. At around 2am I realized it was going to be a problem. By 5am I just got
FAWM songs continued…. Scene – a lot of fun to play, a strong, muscular rhythm and a song sort of about my fear that my own self-judgment of my music in
So – when I was in elementary school a friend fell and broke his leg. Not a BIG deal right? I remember any number of my friends coming into class
I haven’t been writing a lot. I suppose that’s okay. 2015 has been a great year personally, but a really rough one for the world, and I think I’d grown
The first 48 hours of being home was remarkably self-indulgent. I slept the HELL out of Friday morning, eventually got up and went to a local massage parlor called Happy
Normally we do about four hours of driving between shows. Five is on the high side. But sometimes the schedule just lines up different and you’ve got to pile it
We’ve been running hard for a couple of days now and my mouth tastes like too much coffee and my eyes feel like too little sleep. I-90 west has us
I’m in a rough place. There’s nothing but angst on the radio and the news is horrific. I tell myself : it’s not that we Live in a shitty world,
Bar gig. Not much to say about it. It was a bar gig. No, that’s too simple. It’s actually a fun show. Firestone’s in Frederick is a good deal classier